Well, it's been almost two weeks, and the Playstation Network is still down. You know, I've always been a bit of Playstation fanboy{nothing against Microsoft of course...I think}, but I'm not much of a online gamer. This whole situation still sucks though. I've been wanting to sync my trophies, and then there's Netflix, which you have to log onto PSN to use{I know some have gotten it to work, but not me:{ } Thankfully Sony issued a apology today and said that they will be getting out some free content to all PSN users{yay for free content!}. Of course, there are still some idiots out there who are trying to sue Sony over this, which completely and utterly absurd. I mean, seriously? Now I don't like my personal info being out there, and I absolutely hate the way they've handled letting people know about that. But the PSN getting hacked was NOT Sony's fault. This sorta thing thing could happen to ANYONE. It could have been XBOX Live that was attacked instead of PSN{Heck, the same thing did happen to XBL a couple years back}. To think that people actually think Sony owes them something because they couldn't beat the crap out of their friends at a game of Mortal Kombat for a couple weeks is ridiculous. No, the real people they should be going after, the real persons to blame here, are the dumbos who caused this whole mess in the first place. Nothing will ever make up for the personal info being stolen. But I, for one, am happy Sony is at least attempting to make up for it.